Monday, June 27, 2011

Now THAT'S cool

My wife and I were driving, and we heard squealing tires behind us. No sooner had we looked than we saw a convertible sports car speeding past us. Not long after that, we saw a motorcycle driver tailgating the car in front of him, itching to pass. The moment he had a few extra inches to spare, he weaved between two cars and sped down the road.

Perhaps they thought they were cool? Like having a fast car or motorcycle (or being better at sports than others, being in a position of higher authority, having more friends, etc.) makes one "better" than others who don't meet those criteria?

By the way, when we witnessed those "cool" drivers, my wife and I had just enjoyed a romantic anniversary dinner at a nice restaurant, where we sat and talked & enjoyed the atmosphere, the food, and (most of all) each other.

Now THAT's cool!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rejected? It's not your fault.

Kim & I were discussing how during our lives (and, I'm sure, in each of your lives at one point or another), it seems that people have rejected us. By "rejected," I mean that we were devalued by them as persons. Of course, it's always hard to know a person's motive, but when somebody you had regular dealings with just stops calling you or responding to your calls, when somebody makes fun of you for some physical or other imperfection (writer Frank Peretti has written and spoken on his personal experiences of being rejected as a child), when somebody--even in your church--doesn't include you or express any concern when you missed services----those can be signs of rejection.
My wife made a good point (she makes many, which is why she's so often mentioned in my blog). She said that nobody who is truly a person of worth would reject anybody. How true. We are each made in God's image, and every one of us has the potential for greatness in us. If somebody rejects you, reject that rejection (that's also from my wife). I know when I'm getting down on myself, it helps to read affirming Bible passages, success gurus like Zig Ziglar and Ron Jenson--and yes, to be with people who understand the true value of a person. I am worthy. So are you. Let's believe it.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

People who love doing their job well

I've been away from blogging, tweeting, etc, for a few weeks because I was helping take care of my wife, Kim, after she had surgery (for carpal tunnel AND trigger thumb) on her slowly but surely weakening hand. This was a difficult time for her, from the anticipation of the days leading up to her surgery, to the actual procedure on her hand, and then through the recovery process. We both really came to realize how much the human hand is so much a part of daily life, and how challenging it is to do so many things when it's incapacitated.

Along the way, we've met people who assessed her hand's condition for proper treatment, operated on her hand, looked at her hand in follow-up visits, and guided her through physical therapy on her hand--people that show they really care, not only for her as a patient, but also for the job they do. They were thoroughly engaged with her situation as well as with her as a person. It's like it's what they were born to do, because it flows so freely and fully from them.

Sadly, in too many other situations, we've too often been customers in situations where the people we came to for assistance were not at all engaged with us or their work. They do the minimal and seem to want to be doing something else. They don't talk much at all about what they're doing while they're doing it (unlike those who just can't stop talking about what they're doing--because it's such a part of them). We can't be sure why such a person isn't engaged in what they do, unless we ask them directly. And I doubt they'd tell us if we did. But it is a pleasure to watch somebody "in their element," and better yet to partake of that through direct dealings with them.

One of my passions is writing. It's constantly on my mind, and when I'm "in the zone," words just flow. Kim is the consummate teacher of small children. She loves them dearly, and they are drawn to her because of that. Kim and I would go through withdrawal if we couldn't engage in our vocational/avocational passions for long (in fact, since my wife hasn't been able to work in a couple weeks, she really misses being with her "babies," and they can't wait to see her again).

I pray that each person reading this will assess their jobs and their lives, and then find a way to be and do what God created you for. If there's a mismatch between where you are and where you should be, I pray He gives you the wisdom and favor to help you get there so you can be as much of a joy to those you serve as they are to you.