Wednesday, January 5, 2011

You just never know

He might not be Ted Williams the Hall of Fame baseball player, but who knows--with his voice (also here) he could go a long way toward his own Hall of Fame induction. Thing is, Mr. Williams was homeless, a drug addict, and an alcoholic. Now he's being offered a job with the Cleveland Cavaliers...and a house. Other offers have reportedly followed, and no doubt that's just the start.
"Just to get back to some normalcy and responsibility -- If I can a job, whether it's a twenty-five or even $18,000, I'd be happy," he said. "At least I know God has me where he wants me."
Nobody can guarantee you or I will be given such an opportunity; but Mr. Williams, I pray for all the success possible for you, and more than anything that this situation will give hope to others who are struggling that God can & does bless the downtrodden.

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